
World Sight Day

Every second Thursday of October the whole world celebrates World Sight Day.

The purpose of this date, to draw public attention to the problem of blindness rehabilitation for persons with visual impairments.

About seventy percent of Russians have vision problems. Hristo Tahchidi, CEO of IRTC "Eye Microsurgery", gives some figures on that. Cataract affects some 2.5 million Russians. Each year, only in Russia, becomes more cataract patients on 370 000. Some 1.5 million are diagnosed with "glaucoma." There are several established causes of blindness. The most common ones: age-related macular degeneration, corneal clouding. But more often cause blindness uncontrolled diabetes and age-related changes.

According to the World Health Organization, physicians are able to cure or even prevent three-quarters of cases of blindness. The network often there are various recipes for the fight against blindness. Here, for example, one of them: "Fish oil from night blindness: drink 3 times a day, eat the liver in all forms - boiled, fried." In this recipe shared from one user tweeter. And do not forget that for a long time there is a specially trained people, namely doctors, who in most cases still are able to rid the patient of the disease.

In addition, health - very complex part of our life. Therefore, it would be correct as often as possible to exercise. By the way, running on today - one of the most effective ways to maintain health. The more so that they do come in handy only a certain amount of willpower. And, perhaps, good running shoes. For example, such as nike air max. They are quite comfortable and are relatively inexpensive.

According to the editorial, "All here," you just have to deal with their health. The sooner, the better the result.

