Oh, man. You just knew this was coming, didn't you? Although the NBA lockout is threatening to cancel the first half of the NBA season, there are a handful of pro basketball superstars who are still rolling out their signature sneakers this fall. It's business as usual for guys like Derrick Rose, who just dropped his new Adidas signature sneaker, adiZero Rose 2, LeBron James, who is stepping out in the Nike LeBron 9 these days, and Carmelo Anthony, who is moving forward with his new Jordan Melo 8. Amar'e Stoudemire has gotten a little bit lost in the sauce with his Nike Air Max Sweep Thru, but he's got a new gimmicky video that might just do the trick and get folks excited about his sneaker.
In the clip, the New York Knicks center applies for a job at Foot Locker and goes through the interview process. He explains why he would be a great Foot Locker employee, shows how he would sell a sneaker, and eventually gets the opportunity to…well, you'll just have to watch and see, won't you?
How are they supposed to sell their sneakers to all of the kids out there when they can't wear them on the court and show them off every night? Well, if this is any indication, they're going to have to get there and promote them and, more importantly, find creative ways to make the public aware of the fact that they've dropped a new sneaker recently. Viral videos are a good way to go to get that done.
We're not sure if Stoudemire nailed his attempt here. But, if nothing else, it's just that: An attempt. With all of the free time Stoudemire and his fellow NBA stars have, they'll have to continue making attempts like it to make the general public aware of their sneakers if they have any chance of selling out Foot Lockers all across the country. Otherwise, they might really be applying for $8/hour jobs to help their income keep rolling in during the lockout.
Okay, okay. Maybe it won't ever get that bad. But, unlike past years, it's definitely going to be a challenge selling basketball sneakers without any actual basketball on TV. Good luck, fellas. It looks like you might need it.
The party spirit is in trouble
The annual political party conference season in Britain, drawn to a conclusion in 2011 by the SNP in Perth, has always been a trade-off between public participation and public relations.
These days, the number of actual decisions taken by activists and representatives is minimal, while the amount of time spent on smooth-talking via television, radio, webcasting and blogging has risen exponentially – particularly as far as the ‘big three' Westminster parties are concerned.
(The Greens and Plaid Cymru are mostly ignored by the major media commentators. But this year the SNP have been impossible to sideline, as they are in government in Scotland, and are leading the charge over a referendum on Scottish independence or ‘devo max'.)
The real aim of these yearly jamborees, one ‘big three' organiser suggested in an unguarded, metaphorically mixed moment, is to “keep the troops' chins up” while “not letting too many cats out of the bag”.
So bad vibes and dodgy felines are a definite no-no. But unfortunately that advice appeared not quite to have reached home secretary Theresa May as she strode to the podium at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester.
“I'm not making this up,” she declared, while suggesting that an illegal Bolivian immigrant had been allowed to stay in Britain, aided by the Human Rights Act, because he had a cat. It turned out that he was an overstayer, not an illegal entrant, and that the moggy – though given a walk-on part by the judge in a jocular aside – was hardly decisive. But the tale still went down well with the party faithful because it reinforced what they wanted to believe.
Far from being upbraided for her creativity with la verité, it was Mrs May's critic, justice secretary Ken Clarke, who found himself chided for not unreasonably suggesting that this attempt to rubbish legal process was unhelpful and artless.
Then again, we should not forget that it is that nice Mr Clarke who has overseen massive cuts and wholesale restrictions to civil legal aid, following the precedent set by the previous Labour government. These changes will very severely inhibit both the quantity and quality of justice available to poor and vulnerable people in England and Wales.
Sadly, this has not hit the headlines with anything like the force of the home secretary's caricatured cat – illustrating the way in which the major party conference circuses have mostly become purveyors of smoke signals via the media, rather than bread and roses for the people.
What is to be done? Some have suggested abandoning these annual charades, others their radical resculpting. “Party conferences as we know them are completely broken and unless reform is kicked into gear straight away they are in serious risk of abolition,” declares elections expert Gareth Knight.
Few are confident that party managers are really willing to let democracy flourish again in their theatres of power. But the expansion of ‘grassroots zones' on the fringes indicates paths by which ordinary members might attempt to wrest some control from the apparatchiks.
The problem, as Knight points out, is that the success of the fringe in grabbing attention depends upon the health of the core around which they are organised. So maybe breakaway movements will be needed. Or even attention to the inventive chaos of the Greens, whose leader Caroline Lucas made perhaps the most politically substantial speech of conference season – to an audience touchingly unmanicured for television.
Certainly the Occupy protests, environmental movements and civic revolutions across the globe are suggesting that there is a whole world of politics available outwith the narrow party perspectives that still dominate the electoral machinery of Western democracies.
Party posturing is looking increasingly irrelevant. A spirit of change coming from a very different direction is in the air.
These days, the number of actual decisions taken by activists and representatives is minimal, while the amount of time spent on smooth-talking via television, radio, webcasting and blogging has risen exponentially – particularly as far as the ‘big three' Westminster parties are concerned.
(The Greens and Plaid Cymru are mostly ignored by the major media commentators. But this year the SNP have been impossible to sideline, as they are in government in Scotland, and are leading the charge over a referendum on Scottish independence or ‘devo max'.)
The real aim of these yearly jamborees, one ‘big three' organiser suggested in an unguarded, metaphorically mixed moment, is to “keep the troops' chins up” while “not letting too many cats out of the bag”.
So bad vibes and dodgy felines are a definite no-no. But unfortunately that advice appeared not quite to have reached home secretary Theresa May as she strode to the podium at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester.
“I'm not making this up,” she declared, while suggesting that an illegal Bolivian immigrant had been allowed to stay in Britain, aided by the Human Rights Act, because he had a cat. It turned out that he was an overstayer, not an illegal entrant, and that the moggy – though given a walk-on part by the judge in a jocular aside – was hardly decisive. But the tale still went down well with the party faithful because it reinforced what they wanted to believe.
Far from being upbraided for her creativity with la verité, it was Mrs May's critic, justice secretary Ken Clarke, who found himself chided for not unreasonably suggesting that this attempt to rubbish legal process was unhelpful and artless.
Then again, we should not forget that it is that nice Mr Clarke who has overseen massive cuts and wholesale restrictions to civil legal aid, following the precedent set by the previous Labour government. These changes will very severely inhibit both the quantity and quality of justice available to poor and vulnerable people in England and Wales.
Sadly, this has not hit the headlines with anything like the force of the home secretary's caricatured cat – illustrating the way in which the major party conference circuses have mostly become purveyors of smoke signals via the media, rather than bread and roses for the people.
What is to be done? Some have suggested abandoning these annual charades, others their radical resculpting. “Party conferences as we know them are completely broken and unless reform is kicked into gear straight away they are in serious risk of abolition,” declares elections expert Gareth Knight.
Few are confident that party managers are really willing to let democracy flourish again in their theatres of power. But the expansion of ‘grassroots zones' on the fringes indicates paths by which ordinary members might attempt to wrest some control from the apparatchiks.
The problem, as Knight points out, is that the success of the fringe in grabbing attention depends upon the health of the core around which they are organised. So maybe breakaway movements will be needed. Or even attention to the inventive chaos of the Greens, whose leader Caroline Lucas made perhaps the most politically substantial speech of conference season – to an audience touchingly unmanicured for television.
Certainly the Occupy protests, environmental movements and civic revolutions across the globe are suggesting that there is a whole world of politics available outwith the narrow party perspectives that still dominate the electoral machinery of Western democracies.
Party posturing is looking increasingly irrelevant. A spirit of change coming from a very different direction is in the air.
Piece of Mind - A tribute to 25 years
Today, I turn 25 years old. (Oh.. thank you. You are too kind. Stop, please...)
As a tribute to myself and the changing world, this week I like to provide an overview of some of the ways our world has changed in the past quarter century.
1. The StairMaster: Every day fools like you and me no longer have to just pine after the bodies of people like Arnold Schwarzenegger (specifically, his body in Pumping Iron). We can have our own hot bod by doing Real Work with Real Results, thanks to the StairMaster 4000 PT introduced in Nashville, TN in 1986.
2. Purell Hand Sanitizer: Sure we were scared of germs before, but one of the lesser known facts is that the market took off after 9/11 during national fears of avian flu. Thanks Gojo in Akron, Ohio.
3. Drivers License: I learned to drive a car in 2002. During Drivers Ed, we drove all around town looking for two cars that were close enough together to practice parallel parking. Finally, Mr. Bauman gave up and had us bretend there were two cars. Wisdom since then: why didn't we just use cones??
4. Disposable Contacts: (which I am wearing right now as I write this...) This slick, invisible invention hit the US in 1995. Since I was behind the times until last year, I still have fond memories of Jr. High basketball games and yelling stop, No one move! when either my glasses or rigid-gas-permeable contacts (what eye doctors would now call the dinosaurs of contact lenses) flew off my face or out of my eyes. This typically ended in 10 awkward girls shuffling on their hands and knees across the floor, parents returning from the bathroom and wondering what the heck was going on, and one bored referee, just thankful he was getting paid.
5. High-Tech Footwear: White canvas Keds, youare a thing of the past. In 1985, Nike launched Air Jordans, followed by Reeboks The Pump. We have been stylin ever since. I proud to say that I too owned Nike Womens Air Swoopes, in honor of WMBA star Sheryl Swoopes.
6. Writing: Okay, obviously not invented after 1986. However, I learned to love writing in my 6th grade Science Class. If you have enjoyed any of my columns, you can thank Mrs. Stone.
7. PowerPoint: Can't remember the first time you had to sit through a boring text-filled slide show... well, now you know. PowerPoint was invented by Forethought and released in 1987. Windows unveiled its version in 1990 and changed the game of public speaking. Sidenote: You can buy books on how to Make Your PowerPoint Presentation More Interesting. I only know this because an ex-boyfriend checked one out from the library and would read it in the evenings. Thats what is known as a real breaker.
8. Lettuce in a bag: Fresh Express out of Salinas, CA introduced a high tech plastic bag in 1989 to keep our iceberg lettuces super-fresh. That was only the beginning of bagged/pre-packaged/individualized food. My personal favorite is suction wrapped cucumbers. On my more pessimistic days, I associate them with the american Dream.
9. iPods: You know the story.
10. Birth: I was born, thanks to some chilly night of passion and procreation in early 1986.
So, as you eat bagged lettuce with your sterilized hands and pump your muscles hard on the StairMaster, be thankful for all the things known and unknown that make this world a little better, or at least amusing to live in.
Now, wheres my cake.
As a tribute to myself and the changing world, this week I like to provide an overview of some of the ways our world has changed in the past quarter century.
1. The StairMaster: Every day fools like you and me no longer have to just pine after the bodies of people like Arnold Schwarzenegger (specifically, his body in Pumping Iron). We can have our own hot bod by doing Real Work with Real Results, thanks to the StairMaster 4000 PT introduced in Nashville, TN in 1986.
2. Purell Hand Sanitizer: Sure we were scared of germs before, but one of the lesser known facts is that the market took off after 9/11 during national fears of avian flu. Thanks Gojo in Akron, Ohio.
3. Drivers License: I learned to drive a car in 2002. During Drivers Ed, we drove all around town looking for two cars that were close enough together to practice parallel parking. Finally, Mr. Bauman gave up and had us bretend there were two cars. Wisdom since then: why didn't we just use cones??
4. Disposable Contacts: (which I am wearing right now as I write this...) This slick, invisible invention hit the US in 1995. Since I was behind the times until last year, I still have fond memories of Jr. High basketball games and yelling stop, No one move! when either my glasses or rigid-gas-permeable contacts (what eye doctors would now call the dinosaurs of contact lenses) flew off my face or out of my eyes. This typically ended in 10 awkward girls shuffling on their hands and knees across the floor, parents returning from the bathroom and wondering what the heck was going on, and one bored referee, just thankful he was getting paid.
5. High-Tech Footwear: White canvas Keds, youare a thing of the past. In 1985, Nike launched Air Jordans, followed by Reeboks The Pump. We have been stylin ever since. I proud to say that I too owned Nike Womens Air Swoopes, in honor of WMBA star Sheryl Swoopes.
6. Writing: Okay, obviously not invented after 1986. However, I learned to love writing in my 6th grade Science Class. If you have enjoyed any of my columns, you can thank Mrs. Stone.
7. PowerPoint: Can't remember the first time you had to sit through a boring text-filled slide show... well, now you know. PowerPoint was invented by Forethought and released in 1987. Windows unveiled its version in 1990 and changed the game of public speaking. Sidenote: You can buy books on how to Make Your PowerPoint Presentation More Interesting. I only know this because an ex-boyfriend checked one out from the library and would read it in the evenings. Thats what is known as a real breaker.
8. Lettuce in a bag: Fresh Express out of Salinas, CA introduced a high tech plastic bag in 1989 to keep our iceberg lettuces super-fresh. That was only the beginning of bagged/pre-packaged/individualized food. My personal favorite is suction wrapped cucumbers. On my more pessimistic days, I associate them with the american Dream.
9. iPods: You know the story.
10. Birth: I was born, thanks to some chilly night of passion and procreation in early 1986.
So, as you eat bagged lettuce with your sterilized hands and pump your muscles hard on the StairMaster, be thankful for all the things known and unknown that make this world a little better, or at least amusing to live in.
Now, wheres my cake.
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Stern also perform their own
Last week, stern said in an interview, if the arbitration, mediation Nike Air Max Skyline bureau director George Cohen intervention still can't change the situation, he thought that the union will have the possible loss of Christmas wars. And because the management is scheduled on Wednesday at council local time, leaving three party talks of time only a day on Tuesday. Troubled NBA (the Po) will nearly two years of labor disputes, really can in a day between the solved?
From Washington's labor expert jay-g LuPeng doesn't think so, "if the player wants to return to court, now is they proved attitude of the best time. Now is about to see the players are willing to make concessions, I think the boss position more rigid, if the players want to solve the problem ugg boots sale was, they'll need to interpose expression is willing to compromise attitude. Only in this way, will only continue to NBA aspects to talk about. If labor not willing to concede, mediators also can only white time consuming and see a more games were cancelled just."
Let the players continue to compromise is not easy, because they think they have made many concessions, for stern the kindness "talk about the achievement not no Christmas wars" view, the trade union President Derek fisher is think just unilateral arbitrary theory.
Stern also perform their own "Christmas threat" explained why, said it is he express cannot reach a agreement christian louboutin sale season will further shrink version of the story, and not to deal with the labor dispute what specific plans.
The local time on Monday, Cohen has been in New York and the two sides, the contact. Next, he would be ready for tomorrow's three formal talks. Cohen revealed last week that he for months and the representative of both parties have some communication, so for the two parties of tangled some problems, he like the back of his hand.
Players resolutely resist hard salary cap, and they thought that management puts forward the luxury tax scheme will play a effect is almost equal to hard salary cap. In addition, both sides in the basketball related income into exist differences, both hope to get 53% of the total profit.
Consider that there are so many problems to be solved, both parties seemed in one day of an agreement is extremely unlikely. Trade union executive director Billy hunter said players with a whole week time hoping to negotiations, but with the management on the council rejected the offer.
"The council of early in a schedule arranged years ago. We have already told mediation innings this two days except outside any time." Stern said.
From Washington's labor expert jay-g LuPeng doesn't think so, "if the player wants to return to court, now is they proved attitude of the best time. Now is about to see the players are willing to make concessions, I think the boss position more rigid, if the players want to solve the problem ugg boots sale was, they'll need to interpose expression is willing to compromise attitude. Only in this way, will only continue to NBA aspects to talk about. If labor not willing to concede, mediators also can only white time consuming and see a more games were cancelled just."
Let the players continue to compromise is not easy, because they think they have made many concessions, for stern the kindness "talk about the achievement not no Christmas wars" view, the trade union President Derek fisher is think just unilateral arbitrary theory.
Stern also perform their own "Christmas threat" explained why, said it is he express cannot reach a agreement christian louboutin sale season will further shrink version of the story, and not to deal with the labor dispute what specific plans.
The local time on Monday, Cohen has been in New York and the two sides, the contact. Next, he would be ready for tomorrow's three formal talks. Cohen revealed last week that he for months and the representative of both parties have some communication, so for the two parties of tangled some problems, he like the back of his hand.
Players resolutely resist hard salary cap, and they thought that management puts forward the luxury tax scheme will play a effect is almost equal to hard salary cap. In addition, both sides in the basketball related income into exist differences, both hope to get 53% of the total profit.
Consider that there are so many problems to be solved, both parties seemed in one day of an agreement is extremely unlikely. Trade union executive director Billy hunter said players with a whole week time hoping to negotiations, but with the management on the council rejected the offer.
"The council of early in a schedule arranged years ago. We have already told mediation innings this two days except outside any time." Stern said.
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After entering the fall, Nike Sportswear launched a number of columns into account the needs of motor function and outdoor shoes. Nike Sportswear Air Max Conquer ACG is one of the representatives, under the ACG line so that it has the advantages of all-weather ground to conquer. And the use of air-damping effect of the best Phylon midsole and AIR max followed by design, to keep the wearer all day comfort, protection and convenience and taste. As we continue to see bright cranberry color before the Nike ACG Air Max Conquer new products, may on such slick color may control many people feel bad, but then the black / dark gray color is more low-key version of allow more accepted by the public. This time the re-release of dark brown / Bulls colors and sable green / iguana / black two new popular color, style outdoor shoes like a friend you can try.

Krugman's army stirs up bulldust on Wall Street
As it turns out, members of the local branch are too busy to occupy our cities for long. As 20-year-old Indigo Davis-Sparke told The Australian, she couldn't occupy Martin Place past the weekend as she had to get back to acting school on Monday. That's the problem with copying the unruly bunch sleeping out in New York: the complaints don't translate so well here, especially when it's hard to work out what the occupiers of Wall Street are protesting about in the first place.
New York's Zuccotti Park has become the mosh pit of left-wing incoherence for those wishing to vent and rant about anything that bothers them. While it's tempting to see the occupiers as a harmless and humorous last gasp of the Left, the risk is that their grapeshot grievances will be pocketed for political purposes by those wielding power. If that happens, the present global economic pain will only grow worse and last longer.
Just as Twitter and Facebook helped build the Occupy Wall Street protests and its offshoots in Australia, so too YouTube and the internet helpfully exposes the inane nature of these protests. It's all there. The ravings of young people who feel they missed out on the protests of the 1960s, ageing hippies wanting to relive those halcyon years, unhappy college kids, the unemployed and a range of loitering performance art protesters who don't want to miss out on a free feed -- one guy who's been there for 12 days put on about 2kg ("I'm eating better than I do at home") -- not to mention the daily meditation sessions and rollicking singalongs.
Decked out in Nike shoes, sipping Starbucks coffee, hoeing into a Macca and networking on their iPhones, iPads and Macbooks, unacknowledged irony flows as freely as their anti-capitalist messages against big, evil corporations.
Writing for National Review Online, Charles Cooke uploaded a number of videos of interviews he conducted with various protesters. There's the long-haired bespectacled chap whose sign says: "I HATE STUFF TOO". When the interviewer suggests his demand is not very coherent, the smiling hippie happily agrees. And then there's Cooke's favourite, a young man whose sign says: "Throw me a bone, pay my tuition".
When asked why someone else should pay his college fees, the young man says, "just because that's what I want". As Cooke writes: "He has perfectly articulated a sentiment I heard repeatedly but was struggling to distil with anything like the clarity he achieved: that being that if there is something someone doesn't like about their life, someone else somewhere should change it. And if they don't, well then the American dream is dead."
The OWS protests resemble a UN-style sleep-out, with talk about general assemblies, communiques and consensus, endless platitudes about utopia, meaningless diatribes and no clear aims. For all their talk about democracy, their mangled messages ooze an illiberal air of group think.
When they repeat, in robotic tones, the words of speakers such as Julian Assange and Naomi Klein, they sound like a weird leftist catechism class.
Yet you can see why those on the Left find the OWS protesters so useful. Unlike the Tea Party, which had a distinct and very clear message, and if you didn't agree with smaller government, lower taxes and fidelity to the US Constitution, then the Tea Party really wasn't for you, the jumbled messages of the OWS protests are putty in the hands of so-called progressives.
Hence, the OWS movement can count on support from The New York Times, which tells us "public airing of grievances is a legitimate and important end in itself" and kindly offers to fill in the detail for us. The NYT ran a coaching lesson for the protesters with helpful hints from left-wing academics under the rubric of "what are they doing right and what are they missing?" And an October 8 NYT editorial set out a list of possible policy demands for the ragtag army: lasting foreclosure relief, a financial transactions tax, greater protection for workers' rights, more progressive taxation.
In fact, the Occupiers have been dubbed "Krugman's Army" in honour of the NYT's resident lefty economist and their biggest cheerleader, Paul Krugman. Krugman offers the occupiers a handy narrative of all that has gone wrong, a play in which bankers feature as the bad, greedy guys in all three acts. There is no mention of customer greed, where just about every American seemed to be borrowing money to buy one, two or more houses well beyond their means.
The unions also have embraced OWS and so has the Obama administration and other Democrats. It is precisely at this point that the OWS protests may start to do some damage.
While the OWS protesters lack the organisational skills of the Tea Party, which has successfully backed a number of candidates such as Marco Rubio from Florida and Pennsylvania's Pat Toomey, the danger lies in US Democrats embracing the protesters for their own political purposes. And President Barack Obama has hinted he may do just that.
Unable to campaign on his poor economic record, Obama's early support for the army of malcontents has an air of class warfare campaigning about it. While the global financial crisis exposed the need for better regulation to replace inappropriate regulation, there are few signs Congress will act and encouraging class warfare certainly won't do the trick.
If the populist "we want stuff" message from the OWS protesters finds its way into the White House and Congress, then the US economy is in for an even tougher time than at present. With spending at record levels since World War II, a $US4 trillion ($3.9 trillion) federal budget and a $US1.65 trillion deficit, the path to economic growth is surely not pandering to a group of city campers who want stuff because, well, that's just what they want.
And as for the copycat occupiers in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, no doubt the Greens will support their inchoate grievances as a sign of mainstream discontent validating the need for Greens policies. Voters, on the other hand, know better. With Greens policies such as a carbon tax already stamped on the Australian landscape, the ragtag protesters and their far-left supporters are a reminder that adding incoherence to incoherence equals more incoherence.
New York's Zuccotti Park has become the mosh pit of left-wing incoherence for those wishing to vent and rant about anything that bothers them. While it's tempting to see the occupiers as a harmless and humorous last gasp of the Left, the risk is that their grapeshot grievances will be pocketed for political purposes by those wielding power. If that happens, the present global economic pain will only grow worse and last longer.
Just as Twitter and Facebook helped build the Occupy Wall Street protests and its offshoots in Australia, so too YouTube and the internet helpfully exposes the inane nature of these protests. It's all there. The ravings of young people who feel they missed out on the protests of the 1960s, ageing hippies wanting to relive those halcyon years, unhappy college kids, the unemployed and a range of loitering performance art protesters who don't want to miss out on a free feed -- one guy who's been there for 12 days put on about 2kg ("I'm eating better than I do at home") -- not to mention the daily meditation sessions and rollicking singalongs.
Decked out in Nike shoes, sipping Starbucks coffee, hoeing into a Macca and networking on their iPhones, iPads and Macbooks, unacknowledged irony flows as freely as their anti-capitalist messages against big, evil corporations.
Writing for National Review Online, Charles Cooke uploaded a number of videos of interviews he conducted with various protesters. There's the long-haired bespectacled chap whose sign says: "I HATE STUFF TOO". When the interviewer suggests his demand is not very coherent, the smiling hippie happily agrees. And then there's Cooke's favourite, a young man whose sign says: "Throw me a bone, pay my tuition".
When asked why someone else should pay his college fees, the young man says, "just because that's what I want". As Cooke writes: "He has perfectly articulated a sentiment I heard repeatedly but was struggling to distil with anything like the clarity he achieved: that being that if there is something someone doesn't like about their life, someone else somewhere should change it. And if they don't, well then the American dream is dead."
The OWS protests resemble a UN-style sleep-out, with talk about general assemblies, communiques and consensus, endless platitudes about utopia, meaningless diatribes and no clear aims. For all their talk about democracy, their mangled messages ooze an illiberal air of group think.
When they repeat, in robotic tones, the words of speakers such as Julian Assange and Naomi Klein, they sound like a weird leftist catechism class.
Yet you can see why those on the Left find the OWS protesters so useful. Unlike the Tea Party, which had a distinct and very clear message, and if you didn't agree with smaller government, lower taxes and fidelity to the US Constitution, then the Tea Party really wasn't for you, the jumbled messages of the OWS protests are putty in the hands of so-called progressives.
Hence, the OWS movement can count on support from The New York Times, which tells us "public airing of grievances is a legitimate and important end in itself" and kindly offers to fill in the detail for us. The NYT ran a coaching lesson for the protesters with helpful hints from left-wing academics under the rubric of "what are they doing right and what are they missing?" And an October 8 NYT editorial set out a list of possible policy demands for the ragtag army: lasting foreclosure relief, a financial transactions tax, greater protection for workers' rights, more progressive taxation.
In fact, the Occupiers have been dubbed "Krugman's Army" in honour of the NYT's resident lefty economist and their biggest cheerleader, Paul Krugman. Krugman offers the occupiers a handy narrative of all that has gone wrong, a play in which bankers feature as the bad, greedy guys in all three acts. There is no mention of customer greed, where just about every American seemed to be borrowing money to buy one, two or more houses well beyond their means.
The unions also have embraced OWS and so has the Obama administration and other Democrats. It is precisely at this point that the OWS protests may start to do some damage.
While the OWS protesters lack the organisational skills of the Tea Party, which has successfully backed a number of candidates such as Marco Rubio from Florida and Pennsylvania's Pat Toomey, the danger lies in US Democrats embracing the protesters for their own political purposes. And President Barack Obama has hinted he may do just that.
Unable to campaign on his poor economic record, Obama's early support for the army of malcontents has an air of class warfare campaigning about it. While the global financial crisis exposed the need for better regulation to replace inappropriate regulation, there are few signs Congress will act and encouraging class warfare certainly won't do the trick.
If the populist "we want stuff" message from the OWS protesters finds its way into the White House and Congress, then the US economy is in for an even tougher time than at present. With spending at record levels since World War II, a $US4 trillion ($3.9 trillion) federal budget and a $US1.65 trillion deficit, the path to economic growth is surely not pandering to a group of city campers who want stuff because, well, that's just what they want.
And as for the copycat occupiers in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, no doubt the Greens will support their inchoate grievances as a sign of mainstream discontent validating the need for Greens policies. Voters, on the other hand, know better. With Greens policies such as a carbon tax already stamped on the Australian landscape, the ragtag protesters and their far-left supporters are a reminder that adding incoherence to incoherence equals more incoherence.
Nike Golf Combines Innovation and Functionality to Introduce the Ultimate Lightweight Golf Bag
Nike Golf is introducing its lightest golf bag ever, the Nike Vapor X. Weighing in at less than four pounds, the Nike Vapor X weighs one pound less than the average carry bag.
Possessing a sleek, sporty look, the Nike Vapor X was created by using minimal materials to provide a lightweight design. With Nike’s new lightweight golf bag, golfers will experience more stamina and less fatigue during their round through the benefit of carrying less weight on their back.
Available at retail on November 1, 2011, the new Nike Vapor X golf bag features new, ergonomically designed strap system with therenowned Nike Max Air™ curved technology. This new strap system combined with several other innovative features promises to enhance the playing experience by elevating performance and maximizing functionality.
While compact in size, the Nike Vapor X offers six functional pockets that provide a generous amount of storage space. The seam-welded, no-stitch technology enhances water-resistancy for playing in the elements, and the waterproof fleece-lined valuables pocket provides a safe location for cell phone and other valuables during the round. The Stretch-fit pockets of the Nike Vapor X have been created with dynamic expandable technology, allowing for increased storage capacity.
A versatile bag that is designed for walking the course, the Nike Vapor X offers many functions, including a 5-way divider and putter-well configuration for 14 clubs. So the golfer can easily find items in their bag, the Nike Vapor X provides intuitive icons for the waterproof pocket, glove patch, GPS/rangefinder loop, pen-sleeve and insulated water-bottle sleeve.
Known for incorporating “Nike AIR” technology in its footwear products, Nike Golf is now applying this same technology to the shoulder straps of its golf bags. The Nike Vapor X features new Nike Max Air™ Curved carry straps, a dual-strap design designed through extensive consumer insights and developed with Nike AIR technology. By curving the air bag within the strap, Nike Golf designers have created a golf bag that more ergonomically fits the shoulders. The die-cut mesh back pad has a new, tighter pattern, allowing for ventilation. These two features combine to provide superior support and optimum comfort while walking 18 holes.
Offered in seven color-ways, the Vapor X complements many of the upcoming men and women’s apparel and footwear lines for the 2012 season.
Availability: November 1, 2011 – Street Price: $179.00 / MSRP: $230.00
Colors: Gym Red/Swan-Action Red; Cool Grey/Action Green-Swan; Storm Blue/Electrolime-Neptune Blue; Black/University Red – Dark Drey; Safety Orange-Soar Neutral Grey; Granite/Electrolime-Smoke; Pink Flash/Deep Night-Swan.
* 8.5-inch oval top
* 5-way, 2 full-length divider system with putter well
* Ultra-lightweight and durable, under 4 lbs.
* Nike Max Air™ curved revolving double strap system
* Ventilated die-cut air mesh back pad
* 6 functional pockets (5 zippered) – including waterproof fleece-liined valuables pocket, full-length Stretch-fit apparel and glove pockets and insulated water-bottle sleeve.
* Stretch-fit pockets – expandable storage
* Integrated GPS loop, pen sleeve and glove patch
* Dual injected lightweight TPR bottom for traction
* Custom grip leg end-caps
* Lightweight aluminum hardware
* Matching rain hood included
* Logo cresting compatible / zip-off ball pocket
Located at NIKE’s World Headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon, Nike Golf designs and markets golf equipment, apparel, balls, footwear, bags and accessories worldwide. Nike Golf is passionately dedicated to ushering in the future ofthis great sport by developing ground-breaking innovations that enable and inspire athletes to become better.
Possessing a sleek, sporty look, the Nike Vapor X was created by using minimal materials to provide a lightweight design. With Nike’s new lightweight golf bag, golfers will experience more stamina and less fatigue during their round through the benefit of carrying less weight on their back.
Available at retail on November 1, 2011, the new Nike Vapor X golf bag features new, ergonomically designed strap system with therenowned Nike Max Air™ curved technology. This new strap system combined with several other innovative features promises to enhance the playing experience by elevating performance and maximizing functionality.
While compact in size, the Nike Vapor X offers six functional pockets that provide a generous amount of storage space. The seam-welded, no-stitch technology enhances water-resistancy for playing in the elements, and the waterproof fleece-lined valuables pocket provides a safe location for cell phone and other valuables during the round. The Stretch-fit pockets of the Nike Vapor X have been created with dynamic expandable technology, allowing for increased storage capacity.
A versatile bag that is designed for walking the course, the Nike Vapor X offers many functions, including a 5-way divider and putter-well configuration for 14 clubs. So the golfer can easily find items in their bag, the Nike Vapor X provides intuitive icons for the waterproof pocket, glove patch, GPS/rangefinder loop, pen-sleeve and insulated water-bottle sleeve.
Known for incorporating “Nike AIR” technology in its footwear products, Nike Golf is now applying this same technology to the shoulder straps of its golf bags. The Nike Vapor X features new Nike Max Air™ Curved carry straps, a dual-strap design designed through extensive consumer insights and developed with Nike AIR technology. By curving the air bag within the strap, Nike Golf designers have created a golf bag that more ergonomically fits the shoulders. The die-cut mesh back pad has a new, tighter pattern, allowing for ventilation. These two features combine to provide superior support and optimum comfort while walking 18 holes.
Offered in seven color-ways, the Vapor X complements many of the upcoming men and women’s apparel and footwear lines for the 2012 season.
Availability: November 1, 2011 – Street Price: $179.00 / MSRP: $230.00
Colors: Gym Red/Swan-Action Red; Cool Grey/Action Green-Swan; Storm Blue/Electrolime-Neptune Blue; Black/University Red – Dark Drey; Safety Orange-Soar Neutral Grey; Granite/Electrolime-Smoke; Pink Flash/Deep Night-Swan.
* 8.5-inch oval top
* 5-way, 2 full-length divider system with putter well
* Ultra-lightweight and durable, under 4 lbs.
* Nike Max Air™ curved revolving double strap system
* Ventilated die-cut air mesh back pad
* 6 functional pockets (5 zippered) – including waterproof fleece-liined valuables pocket, full-length Stretch-fit apparel and glove pockets and insulated water-bottle sleeve.
* Stretch-fit pockets – expandable storage
* Integrated GPS loop, pen sleeve and glove patch
* Dual injected lightweight TPR bottom for traction
* Custom grip leg end-caps
* Lightweight aluminum hardware
* Matching rain hood included
* Logo cresting compatible / zip-off ball pocket
Located at NIKE’s World Headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon, Nike Golf designs and markets golf equipment, apparel, balls, footwear, bags and accessories worldwide. Nike Golf is passionately dedicated to ushering in the future ofthis great sport by developing ground-breaking innovations that enable and inspire athletes to become better.
The winters are not cold Nike Air Royal Mid "Knit Pack"

Nike Air Royal Mid try a variety of materials can be described as one of the shoes frequently, following the previous nylon, VacTech materials science and technology after 80 years overwhelmed by this appearance of the shoes basketball shoes launched a "knitting" new material. Shoes are in large particles made of nylon knitted, lace buckle part of the toe and suede material to be fixed, this design gives people a feeling of fall and winter season. In the upper end of the color contrast with white showing the formation of color contrast. The launch of two new black and gray are available only to retailers in Europe, is expected soon to enter the country.

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World Sight Day
Every second Thursday of October the whole world celebrates World Sight Day.
The purpose of this date, to draw public attention to the problem of blindness rehabilitation for persons with visual impairments.
About seventy percent of Russians have vision problems. Hristo Tahchidi, CEO of IRTC "Eye Microsurgery", gives some figures on that. Cataract affects some 2.5 million Russians. Each year, only in Russia, becomes more cataract patients on 370 000. Some 1.5 million are diagnosed with "glaucoma." There are several established causes of blindness. The most common ones: age-related macular degeneration, corneal clouding. But more often cause blindness uncontrolled diabetes and age-related changes.
According to the World Health Organization, physicians are able to cure or even prevent three-quarters of cases of blindness. The network often there are various recipes for the fight against blindness. Here, for example, one of them: "Fish oil from night blindness: drink 3 times a day, eat the liver in all forms - boiled, fried." In this recipe shared from one user tweeter. And do not forget that for a long time there is a specially trained people, namely doctors, who in most cases still are able to rid the patient of the disease.
In addition, health - very complex part of our life. Therefore, it would be correct as often as possible to exercise. By the way, running on today - one of the most effective ways to maintain health. The more so that they do come in handy only a certain amount of willpower. And, perhaps, good running shoes. For example, such as nike air max. They are quite comfortable and are relatively inexpensive.
According to the editorial, "All here," you just have to deal with their health. The sooner, the better the result.
The purpose of this date, to draw public attention to the problem of blindness rehabilitation for persons with visual impairments.
About seventy percent of Russians have vision problems. Hristo Tahchidi, CEO of IRTC "Eye Microsurgery", gives some figures on that. Cataract affects some 2.5 million Russians. Each year, only in Russia, becomes more cataract patients on 370 000. Some 1.5 million are diagnosed with "glaucoma." There are several established causes of blindness. The most common ones: age-related macular degeneration, corneal clouding. But more often cause blindness uncontrolled diabetes and age-related changes.
According to the World Health Organization, physicians are able to cure or even prevent three-quarters of cases of blindness. The network often there are various recipes for the fight against blindness. Here, for example, one of them: "Fish oil from night blindness: drink 3 times a day, eat the liver in all forms - boiled, fried." In this recipe shared from one user tweeter. And do not forget that for a long time there is a specially trained people, namely doctors, who in most cases still are able to rid the patient of the disease.
In addition, health - very complex part of our life. Therefore, it would be correct as often as possible to exercise. By the way, running on today - one of the most effective ways to maintain health. The more so that they do come in handy only a certain amount of willpower. And, perhaps, good running shoes. For example, such as nike air max. They are quite comfortable and are relatively inexpensive.
According to the editorial, "All here," you just have to deal with their health. The sooner, the better the result.
Nike chaussures Air Max 1 Hyperfuse

It's really hard work of the shoe puts bringing the first significant airbag, more mixing Supreme extra extra extra padding consistently. The idea intimidates various other shoes or boots in general, mainly because it provides much more decided against Alberto Salazar and Linda Decker Salaney-build, the idea of your current train distinctive Olympics, with the types of Conditions tripe, cut hands or legs, and feelings more. This type of grave can be the Nike air max 1 shoes specific products to run permanently along the needs of each floor, you have to plan.
The idea of little use tennis creates exceptional football boots with the influence to carry out difficult Tiongkok. The amounts Hyperfuse particular on improving play with change making light mixture. This may end up being the Hyperfuse specific Nike.
At any time these two famous shoes combined, the individual Nike Air Max 1 Hyperfuse was born. Nike has produced this excellent core for a new brand that has inherited two distinctive research. Nike used your individual air max shoes specific plan starting with solitary and more because the more layers Hyperfuse using a content label set of articles for the language. The overall performance of all common expected because this shoe is naturally higher than that of a standard boot one of each type. Three smooth blends tend to be available: black / blue / gray, gray / red / gray and gray / volt / gray.
Heat, Magic Idle As NBA Cancels First Two Weeks Of Season
Bad news for Miami Heat and Orlando Magic fans: The NBA has cancelled the first two weeks of the 2011-2012 season.
In the league's showdown with the players over the current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), this is the first real evidence showing how far both sides will go in continuing negotiations and positional posturing.
“We certainly hoped it would never come to this,” NBA President David Stern said. “I think that both sides worked hard to get to a better solution. We think that we made very fair proposals. I'm sure the players think the same thing. But the gap is so significant that we just can't bridge it at this time.”
The league cancelling anything is a signal that they are willing to go pretty far to fight for what they see as a fatal flaw in their business model: high salaries are bankrupting teams. They certainly haven't proven it to the fans, who might to really want to hear a woe-is-me-story from Daddy Warbucks right about now.
Today on ESPN, New York Knicks forward Amar'e Stoudemire floated the idea of players forming their own league, telling ESPN that players will give “serious” consideration to starting their own league.
According to Stoudemire, the possibility of forming an alternate league has already been discussed among players, who've said they'll give “serious” consideration to starting their own league.
“We can't just sit around and not do anything. So we have to figure out ways to now continue to play basketball at a high level against top competition and have fun doing it,” Stoudemire said Tuesday night at a Manhattan Footlocker to promote his new sneaker, the Nike Air Max Sweep Thru, as reported by by ESPN.
Start your own league, are you serious? Goodbye Boston Celtics, hello New England Adidas.
They won't start their own league, they would all have to take a pay cut, a serious pay cut. Fans will still tune into watch five construction workers dressed as Los Angeles Lakers before they tune into the LeBron Super B-Ball League featuring the Richmond Rimshakers versus the Bama Jam Jams.
In some areas of the country, the teams are bigger than the players, especially the ones with big wallets.
Of course the players want a larger piece, that's business. And they have the right – and the business duty – to fight for as much as they can get. The players' Achilles heal is their individual endorsement contracts. The longer a lock-out lasts, the less desirable an NBA spokesman becomes.
And for those taking sides, you should be ashamed. You do not have the data, the player experience or the real-world mega-dollars to be enough in-the-know about what's going on to render your decision. You are arm-chairing it at best.
Some of the teams paid too much money for players and this is a course correction. Nothing more, nothing less. Should you really blame the players, who are getting what they can in a what is literally a player's market, a basic principle of smart business.
Sure, a few players got paid more than they should, but this is the checks and balances process of a free market playing out before our very eyes.
It might not be as exciting as watching actual basketball, but the virtual version has its share of drama (and even a little dribbling courtesy of NBA President David Stern).
THIS IS A BIG DEAL. For fans, their favorite athletes are sitting at home playing PS3 when they should be slamming monster dunks and dishing no-look passes to the open man.
The fans just want to watch some amazing basketball. The players want to get their sport on. And the owners – well, they are the money guys, the ugly side of sports. Sports are about allegiances, talent and merchandise. That's two out of three categories that favor the players.
In the league's showdown with the players over the current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), this is the first real evidence showing how far both sides will go in continuing negotiations and positional posturing.
“We certainly hoped it would never come to this,” NBA President David Stern said. “I think that both sides worked hard to get to a better solution. We think that we made very fair proposals. I'm sure the players think the same thing. But the gap is so significant that we just can't bridge it at this time.”
The league cancelling anything is a signal that they are willing to go pretty far to fight for what they see as a fatal flaw in their business model: high salaries are bankrupting teams. They certainly haven't proven it to the fans, who might to really want to hear a woe-is-me-story from Daddy Warbucks right about now.
Today on ESPN, New York Knicks forward Amar'e Stoudemire floated the idea of players forming their own league, telling ESPN that players will give “serious” consideration to starting their own league.
According to Stoudemire, the possibility of forming an alternate league has already been discussed among players, who've said they'll give “serious” consideration to starting their own league.
“We can't just sit around and not do anything. So we have to figure out ways to now continue to play basketball at a high level against top competition and have fun doing it,” Stoudemire said Tuesday night at a Manhattan Footlocker to promote his new sneaker, the Nike Air Max Sweep Thru, as reported by by ESPN.
Start your own league, are you serious? Goodbye Boston Celtics, hello New England Adidas.
They won't start their own league, they would all have to take a pay cut, a serious pay cut. Fans will still tune into watch five construction workers dressed as Los Angeles Lakers before they tune into the LeBron Super B-Ball League featuring the Richmond Rimshakers versus the Bama Jam Jams.
In some areas of the country, the teams are bigger than the players, especially the ones with big wallets.
Of course the players want a larger piece, that's business. And they have the right – and the business duty – to fight for as much as they can get. The players' Achilles heal is their individual endorsement contracts. The longer a lock-out lasts, the less desirable an NBA spokesman becomes.
And for those taking sides, you should be ashamed. You do not have the data, the player experience or the real-world mega-dollars to be enough in-the-know about what's going on to render your decision. You are arm-chairing it at best.
Some of the teams paid too much money for players and this is a course correction. Nothing more, nothing less. Should you really blame the players, who are getting what they can in a what is literally a player's market, a basic principle of smart business.
Sure, a few players got paid more than they should, but this is the checks and balances process of a free market playing out before our very eyes.
It might not be as exciting as watching actual basketball, but the virtual version has its share of drama (and even a little dribbling courtesy of NBA President David Stern).
THIS IS A BIG DEAL. For fans, their favorite athletes are sitting at home playing PS3 when they should be slamming monster dunks and dishing no-look passes to the open man.
The fans just want to watch some amazing basketball. The players want to get their sport on. And the owners – well, they are the money guys, the ugly side of sports. Sports are about allegiances, talent and merchandise. That's two out of three categories that favor the players.
Steelers Dynamic Offense Stands Out In Win Over Titans
For Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger, it's all about the shoes.
Or, the fact his two feet are in those shoes, with both of them having ground under them.
When the Steelers protect Roethlisberger, good things happen. That was the sentiment veteran LT Max Starks shared after Sunday's 38-17 win over Tennessee.
"Our biggest goal was to keep (Roethlisberger) upright," Starks said. "And we knew he'd perform if we did that."
Nevermind the trademarked "Roethlisberger Shoe" he wore to protect a sprained foot sustained after multiple hits from failed protection in the first four games of the season. Roethlisberger relied on some shored up protection and an offensive game plan that attacked the short-to-mid level of the middle of the field to tie the franchise record of five touchdown passes - a mark he shares with Terry Bradshaw and Mark Malone.
Much of the credit for the Steelers offensive explosion (431 total yards, 7-for-12 on 3rd down, 4-for-5 in the red zone) against Tennessee is due a unique if not unorthodox approach in preparation this week. Offensive Coordinator Bruce Arians doled out an even attack of run and pass, laced with spicy creativity and flair. Much of it fed off play-action, and the parts that didn't fed off the idea the Titans were expecting play-action.
The Steelers kept it short, released the ball quickly and to a variety of players from a variety of formations. It led to less sacks and more yards gained.
But it wasn't about being "balanced." Balance as a pre-game goal is overrated. Being "dynamic" is better. A balanced offense is equally successful running and passing. A dynamic offense is unpredictable - multiple sets and the willingness and ability to run and pass out of all of them.
An offense can't be truly balanced without being dynamic. And when you can do anything from any formation, you're dangerous.
Sunday was a perfect example of success in that arena. Of Roethlisberger's five touchdown passes, three were off play action (Hines Ward 1, David Johnson and Mike Wallace). The other two were with empty set backfields (Ward 2, Heath Miller).
The Steelers would come onto the field in their heavy packages (two and sometimes three tight ends), so Tennessee geared up for power running. Instead, Roethlisberger hit Miller and Johnson for scores. Tennessee had to respect the run, so the Steelers made them pay for it.
It's all about being dynamic.
On the Miller touchdown drive, the score came on the 10th play, with five runs and four passes coming in the previous nine plays. RB Isaac Redman is in the backfield, and motions out to the offensive right side, split and on the line. Tennessee came out in their base 4-3 package out of respect to the run. Before Redman moved onto the line, it made sense. It's a run formation; Miller and Johnson in tight on the right side, Ward slot left, Wallace wide left.
When Redman splits out, the Steelers reveal the dynamics of their offense. Now, they're representing a passing formation, with the game's most dangerous receiver split wide, and two of the best inside-the-hashes receivers in the game, plus, two other receivers that need to be accounted for.
Foot injury or no, Roethlisberger is a threat to tuck it and run, especially when he's inside the 10-yard-line.
Redman's motion changes CB Jason McCourty's position, moving him away from the edge. It also backs LB Akeem Ayers off Johnson, the last guy on the line. That gives Johnson a free release with room to run an effective pattern.
At the snap, Wallace and Ward clear out to the left side of the end zone. Johnson runs a post-corner, looking to take Ayers away from the of the middle portion of the field. Redman runs a delayed in route behind Miller to freeze McCourty.
Miller is going against zone coverage from two linebackers. He sits down between them at the goal line. Roethlisberger's throw is right on the money.
"HEEEEEEATH!" yells the Heinz Field crowd after his first touchdown catch of the year.
It was so easy, it was as if they planned it. They did, but not just with the play call. It was all predicated on the four Redman runs on the drive that yielded 1, 2, 2 and zero yards, respectively.
All those nauseating runs for no gain have a larger purpose than just that one play. Tennessee saw the Steelers coming out with a physical personnel group, and assumed a run was coming. But they couldn't counter with a heavy package of their own because the Steelers had also thrown the ball successfully, and have dynamic players on the field.
From a bigger picture perspective, the Titans had seen tape of how the Steelers use Redman in their passing game, so they had to respect it. From a personnel perspective, their ability to find multi-dimensional players like Miller, Redman and Johnson led to Arians' ability to call that play, and for Roethlisberger to run it successfully.
The Steelers offense was at its best in Week 5. The continuance of spreading the ball around both in the air and on the ground will pay dividends as the season progresses.
Or, the fact his two feet are in those shoes, with both of them having ground under them.
When the Steelers protect Roethlisberger, good things happen. That was the sentiment veteran LT Max Starks shared after Sunday's 38-17 win over Tennessee.
"Our biggest goal was to keep (Roethlisberger) upright," Starks said. "And we knew he'd perform if we did that."
Nevermind the trademarked "Roethlisberger Shoe" he wore to protect a sprained foot sustained after multiple hits from failed protection in the first four games of the season. Roethlisberger relied on some shored up protection and an offensive game plan that attacked the short-to-mid level of the middle of the field to tie the franchise record of five touchdown passes - a mark he shares with Terry Bradshaw and Mark Malone.
Much of the credit for the Steelers offensive explosion (431 total yards, 7-for-12 on 3rd down, 4-for-5 in the red zone) against Tennessee is due a unique if not unorthodox approach in preparation this week. Offensive Coordinator Bruce Arians doled out an even attack of run and pass, laced with spicy creativity and flair. Much of it fed off play-action, and the parts that didn't fed off the idea the Titans were expecting play-action.
The Steelers kept it short, released the ball quickly and to a variety of players from a variety of formations. It led to less sacks and more yards gained.
But it wasn't about being "balanced." Balance as a pre-game goal is overrated. Being "dynamic" is better. A balanced offense is equally successful running and passing. A dynamic offense is unpredictable - multiple sets and the willingness and ability to run and pass out of all of them.
An offense can't be truly balanced without being dynamic. And when you can do anything from any formation, you're dangerous.
Sunday was a perfect example of success in that arena. Of Roethlisberger's five touchdown passes, three were off play action (Hines Ward 1, David Johnson and Mike Wallace). The other two were with empty set backfields (Ward 2, Heath Miller).
The Steelers would come onto the field in their heavy packages (two and sometimes three tight ends), so Tennessee geared up for power running. Instead, Roethlisberger hit Miller and Johnson for scores. Tennessee had to respect the run, so the Steelers made them pay for it.
It's all about being dynamic.
On the Miller touchdown drive, the score came on the 10th play, with five runs and four passes coming in the previous nine plays. RB Isaac Redman is in the backfield, and motions out to the offensive right side, split and on the line. Tennessee came out in their base 4-3 package out of respect to the run. Before Redman moved onto the line, it made sense. It's a run formation; Miller and Johnson in tight on the right side, Ward slot left, Wallace wide left.
When Redman splits out, the Steelers reveal the dynamics of their offense. Now, they're representing a passing formation, with the game's most dangerous receiver split wide, and two of the best inside-the-hashes receivers in the game, plus, two other receivers that need to be accounted for.
Foot injury or no, Roethlisberger is a threat to tuck it and run, especially when he's inside the 10-yard-line.
Redman's motion changes CB Jason McCourty's position, moving him away from the edge. It also backs LB Akeem Ayers off Johnson, the last guy on the line. That gives Johnson a free release with room to run an effective pattern.
At the snap, Wallace and Ward clear out to the left side of the end zone. Johnson runs a post-corner, looking to take Ayers away from the of the middle portion of the field. Redman runs a delayed in route behind Miller to freeze McCourty.
Miller is going against zone coverage from two linebackers. He sits down between them at the goal line. Roethlisberger's throw is right on the money.
"HEEEEEEATH!" yells the Heinz Field crowd after his first touchdown catch of the year.
It was so easy, it was as if they planned it. They did, but not just with the play call. It was all predicated on the four Redman runs on the drive that yielded 1, 2, 2 and zero yards, respectively.
All those nauseating runs for no gain have a larger purpose than just that one play. Tennessee saw the Steelers coming out with a physical personnel group, and assumed a run was coming. But they couldn't counter with a heavy package of their own because the Steelers had also thrown the ball successfully, and have dynamic players on the field.
From a bigger picture perspective, the Titans had seen tape of how the Steelers use Redman in their passing game, so they had to respect it. From a personnel perspective, their ability to find multi-dimensional players like Miller, Redman and Johnson led to Arians' ability to call that play, and for Roethlisberger to run it successfully.
The Steelers offense was at its best in Week 5. The continuance of spreading the ball around both in the air and on the ground will pay dividends as the season progresses.
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